What is FSBA ?
FSBA is a Free Small Business Accounts package and a VAT Bridge.Introduction.
For decades, I used QUICKEN for my own accounts.
However, it’s now American, and doesn’t support VAT.
I investigated numerous other accounting packages, which IMHO were either expensive monoliths
with lots of features which I simply didn’t want (and saw no reason to pay for), or they were unwieldy.
In the end, I simply wrote my own from scratch. (by the way, 40 years IT experience)
Selection of the documents will simply open them in the browser.
You'll probably want to save them locally.
So, start by creating yourself a destination folder.
Depending upon your browser, you'll get some sort of warning, and then a prompt for what to do.
Obviously, you want to Save (or Keep) the application.
It will then be in your default downloads folder on your disk drive.
You'll need to copy it over to your nice new destination folder.